So I had this really nice schedule for next semester planned out like a boss. No late classes, no classes before 10:00am. No big breaks. It was looking really good. That was two days ago. But now, a mere 5 hours before I register, almost every single class that I wanted is full or has about three spots left. It's pretty unfortunate. So I just went through everything and made a mediocre schedule that should get me through next semester.
But here's the real angst: I'll get done with class on Tuesdays and Thursdays by 11 (not that angsty). The nightmare part? It starts at eight in the morning. With a math class. If you knew me at all, you would know two things. 1. I am a night owl to the extreme and don't get along with my alarm clock when it wakes me up at 9am. 2. I hate, hate, HATE math. I'm an English major. You can't get anymore anti-math than that. So an unbelievably early class that deals with business calculus and stats? Uh, no thank you. But this awful first-come-first-serve pecking order of a registration system has left me with no choice. The joys of being a sophomore.
Ugh. The thought of it now--almost two months in advance to when I'll actually taking it--is repulsive. I know, I know. I'm incredibly blessed to go to school here and I'm not griping about the school work. That I can handle. But mornings...they just aren't fun. To all you chipper morning people out there, I'm jealous of you. I wish I could pop up at the crack of dawn, fix my coffee, and bounce out the door with a good attitude for my 8 o'clock class. I truly wish that math wasn't such a foreign subject to my English-oriented mind. But I can't and it isn't. I'm not like that.
In other news...Johnny Football. Breaking Cam Newton's record of total offensive yards in one fewer game? And people are still thinking he won't get the Heisman? From everything I've heard, dude's on top to take it. But anything can happen. We still have a week and a half until it is revealed, but the voting ended last night at 5pm, so there isn't much we can do now except cross our fingers and hope they voted the way the numbers shape up.
But even if he doesn't win (it'll be a gross injustice and quite a statement to the college football world if he doesn't), Johnny Manziel and the fightin' Texas Aggie football team of the 2012 season have made a huge statement. They provided a hope to this campus and shown long time fans how patience pays off. I've always been proud of my team. Frustrated for sure, but never ashamed. But all the letdowns of seasons past have been building up to an explosion of pure awesome.
When people this season have said that it's a good time to be an Aggie, they're right certainly. But I don't base my school pride on my football team. I put stock in our traditions, our values, how we can all come together as a student body in crazy ways that not many schools do. We convene once a month to remember Aggie students who have passed away. Aggies from around the country (and world) gather annually to remember every Aggie--current student or former student--who passed away that year. We have our own version of Silver Taps. We have organized yells, a gathering of 30,000 students who come to every football game, and a tree that determines your romantic future. I can't ever get to or from a class without seeing someone I know--which is so awesome.
But does it help that my football team is in the top 10 in the nation with potentially the first freshman Heisman winner? Yeah, maybe a little.
To answer the comment though: it's always a good time to be an Aggie.
Thanks, and gig 'em.