Except not really. But sort of. Anyway.
Ever been obsessed with the mail for some reason? Birthday money from relatives, thank you cards, party invites, SAT scores...etc. We've all had those moments where we seriously couldn't wait for that little white car thing with no doors to round the corner so we can see what has come in the mail for us.
Lately, the mail addressed to me has been consisting of graduation announcements, thank you letters, and college brochures. Notice something missing? Probably not. But I certainly do.
See, I entered this contest. A writing contest, to be more specific. Who sponsered it? That would be hot-shot author James Patterson. He's an incredible author, churning out about 5 books a year. I would call that a little ridiculous. Anyway, he wrote this crazy awesome young adult series called Maximum Ride. I'm sort of obsessed with it. I believe I've ranted about my obsession in an earlier post, but, long and short of it, the results for the contest are coming in SOON. No exact date or anything, but the final entries were due on May 31st and the website said sometime in the next few weeks the results would come out.
And I think my beast was pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. I'm pretty proud of that piece. And my mom has been both blessed and cursed with my obsession with the mail. Blessed because she doesn't have to check the mail...I'm doing that. Cursed because I'm very nearly centering my day around mail time. I mean, tomorrow I won't get the mail until after 4:30. I might just die.
My reaction to the results of the contest? Any number of things really. If I lose, I might shed a few tears, be disappointed and slightly setback in my love for writing. Rejection hurts. But if I go check the mail and there's a letter in it addressed to me from something resembling James Patterson and/or any of his works, I'll rip it open right there on the curb and read it. If I get one of the 5 runner-ups, which would be pretty cool, I'd be super happy. But if I won the grand prize, I'd pass out. Walking? Out of the question. Breathing? My lungs might have to do without for a minute. Thinking coherently? Definitely out. Here's an example of what I might be thinking if I win.
And so on and so forth.
Have a nice day!
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