Winter is already my least favorite season. I'm required to wear long sleeved shirts and wear a jacket and layers and socks and gloves and pre-heat my vehicle and shiver and ache and spent countless hours in front of a fire and/or heat dish. Then there's the constant fear of school being cancelled which messes up your whole week. The cold wind bites at your nose because nose covers aren't socially acceptable and makes it all red and runny. And your eyes get watery and your makeup runs. You have to put on so many clothes and your hair gets all static-y, which is extremely unattractive and irritating. When March comes around, I'm practically crying with joy. Because in March, you can start wearing short-sleeved shirts. And the first day of spring is in March. And the first day of spring means that it's warm outside. At least, for us Texans.
When this mother of storms hit the US, I was groaning. Just last weekend, I was in my Nike athletic shorts and a t-shirt, eating a snow-cone and getting a pre-summer tan. Life was good. And then Monday night comes along and totally wrecks everything. Sleet and rain and ice start being spit out by the sky because the sky doesn't want all that. What it doesn't realize is that most people down here don't want it either. So, as I assumed, school was cancelled for Tuesday. Then the temperature doesn't rise above freezing on Tuesday night. CISD calls it, saying that there's no school on Wednesday. On Wednesday, the temperature doesn't get higher than 21 degrees. Ice is still covering the ground. So at around 5:30 on Wednesday, CISD closes school for the third day in a row and says there will not be school on Thursday. Now, there's still a chance for snow on Friday and temperatures won't get above 33 degrees. Meaning that there's still a solid chance that school will be cancelled on Friday too.
One day of no school is fine. Whatever. I'm a senior, so it doesn't really bother me. Two days is kind of a lot. Three is a lot. But four? Four days home, doing a puzzle and watching the news? No thank you. But I think that they, if the roads are still nutty, still might close her down for the rest of the week. Like I said, the temperature won't rise above freezing more than a degree on Friday. And the low for Thursday night will be 19 degrees with a chance of "late snow showers". My opinion? 90% chance I'll have a one-day week at school. I don't like it but I think that's really what will happen, especially considering the 40% chance of more snow all day on Friday. A cold six-day weekend is what I'm probably looking at right now.
I hate this. I hate being cold. Send me to Florida or the Bahamas or Hawaii PLEASE. Just get me out of this cold mess. ANGST.
stop your whining.