Wednesday, June 1, 2011

BEM Day 28: Questions, angst, and writing

Completely random blog post that I need to do in order to stay with this daily blogging deal. The title is fairly self explanatory.


1. Did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons?

2. Which came first: dinosaur or man?

3. Was there ever life on Mars?

4. Does God have a favorite Bible verse?

5. Did Jesus actually have a beard?

6. Who killed JFK?

7. Where is Amelia Earhart?

8. Okay really. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

9. Why are boys stupid?

Angst. Today was the sign up for A&M fish camp and the website crashed and wasn't up until way later in the day. But my mom woke me up at 8:30 and kept harassing me to keep checking the site all the day long. Great, thanks Mom. I appreciate it. But I went back to sleep at around 9 and slept for the next three hours. Cool beans.

Writing. I'm not gonna lie, I've been on a roll lately. I planned out the end and it's going to be a pretty stinkin' awesome book. Of course, it is ROUGH right now. But I'm excited and will hopefully (key word) have it finished by the end of July and will maybe find an editor and agent soon. Who knows, I might have a published book by this time next year? Highly unlikely, hey, but I'm not knocking it.

I am...

Listening to: "Loving You Tonight" by Andrew Allen (hey, not Parachute!)
Looking forward to: Talking with my friend Mary Beth tomorrow
Procrastinating: Those awful thank you cards
Thinking about: How people are going to be stupid and skip the MANDATORY graduation practice tomorrow...idiots
Wondering: When, if ever, life is going to slow down
Reflecting over: The benefits of blogging every day...there are many

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