Cast your minds back, ladies, to your Disney days. Remember that handsome prince and how he always had a horse and he rode in and saved the day for the damsel-in-distress? Remember wanting to be the princess/damsel and suddenly really liking horses and boys who rode them? The man on the horse was two things: the love of your life and your rescuer. This post is going to focus more on the latter because I really don't have the desire to express my intense desire for a husband right now (thanks but no thanks).
What I want to focus on is the fact that the man on the horse is the rescuer. You're in trouble, maybe some crazy woman with too much makeup poisoned your apple or maybe your mom wants to keep you locked away because you have great hair. Regardless of your situation, you need someone to come save you because you really can't rescue yourself. The situation is beyond your control. You can do absolutely nothing about it but something has got to happen or else you're going to come completely undone. And, frankly, you're far too precious to not be saved.
So here's my question: who do you turn to when your world is falling apart?
Your answers may vary. Friends, parents, siblings, mentors, etc. Personally, I go straight to my mom and close friends. My mom is a phone call away and my friends are literally right across the hall. And I can cry to them and they'll hold me and talk to me and love me and tell me that everything is okay. But the sad truth is that, while they say that everything will work itself out, they can't do anything about it either. They all may look like the valiant hero, but there is literally only one person/being who can take your hand and pull you on the horse and ride into the sunset-streaked horizon, leaving the danger far behind.
And that, my friends, is Jesus Christ.
The thing is, you can't do anything to earn this. He braves the battle because He loves you. And He doesn't come at your every beckoning. He comes when the time is right for Him and, ultimately, for you. After all, you're the one who got yourself in that situation anyway. Only when you are ready will Jesus come and pull you out of the hole you fell into.
To clear some possible confusion, Christ never leaves us. Ever. But He will only pick you up and carry you off when you are ready and He saves the day when the time is right. He won't fix all your problems. But He will, without fail, save you. His infinite love to you won't falter even for a second and He will happily pull you out of the pit.
Turning to Him with all of your issues is the answer. He's the guy on the horse, coming to save the day. But you have to keep faith that He's coming, even in the darkest moments. He's coming. Be patient.
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