So, this summer, I didn't want to babysit. I needed a real job and learn how to do a professional interview and have taxes taken out of my paycheck and have a boss. Something to put on the resumé, if you will. I needed to go through training of some variety. And I wanted a flexible schedule. You don't really have that with babysitting, interestingly enough.
Where am I working, you ask? Legoland Discovery Center, to be all official. But most just call it Legoland. Within a week, I applied, interviewed, and got the job. It was a pretty quick turnaround, for which I was grateful. I've already made around $85 in the 2 days I've "worked". And it was just for training. So, sweet. This summer, I'll be doing annoying "grown-up" things, which consist of taking 6 hours of classes at the community college and working.
The majority of my summer will be spent with lots of screaming children and lots of Lego paraphernalia, which will be a stark difference to how my life generally works. I'm a low-key, relaxed, social but not outgoing kind of girl. I am not a constant flow of energy. So this job is going to test me in several ways (patience, tolerance, general perkiness, etc).
The one thing that I really wanted to do this summer was work at a camp (no secret there). Obviously, I didn't get that. And I've been just taking this job opportunity for granted and even downgrading it. But this summer is going to be bigger than just running a ride or cleaning 3D glasses. This summer is going to be learning how to not have my bubble of support and still function as 1. a normal human being and 2. a child pursuing her Maker. At A&M, I am always surrounded by people my age and at my stage in life running to the Lord with me. People I'm deeply close with and who know me so well that they can sometimes read my mind. Here, I don't really have that. My parents know me extremely well, of course. But they're a generation ahead of me. My circle of girls who have seen me breakdown and who have seen me laugh so hard that I can't breathe isn't here. In fact, all of them are at least 2 hours away from me right now.
"I Am A Seed" by David Crowder is playing on my computer right now. It talks about being pushed down into the ground, being trampled, not feeling like I can rise up again. Not feeling okay. I'm anxiously waiting for August to swing back around so I can grow. But I can start growing/learning now. I don't have to wait for the bubble to float back. Maybe I just need a summer of me and God and learn what it means to be relying on Him for everything and knowing to go to Him first. Because time and time again, I've thought of something I needed to tell my friends and pushed up to go across the hall, where two of my best friends lived. But then I come back to reality and see that I'm home, not in College Station. And that whatever I'm feeling doesn't need to be sent out in a message for someone to see, but put in a prayer journal or just spoken aloud to the One who hears everything.
And while I know what it means to get over the radio at Legoland and say "Delta one, code three is green", that won't be the valuable information I go back to A&M with. There is a much better prize to looking through a different sort of manual.
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