Monday, February 11, 2013


Yes, so this is a thing now. Linley scares the incoming freshman of A&M/Blinn: round two. After lots of tears, two roommates who are frighteningly good at lying (or just hiding the truth), several pages of journal entries, and one lost appetite, I woke up this morning to find an email from Impact waiting for me. And it confirmed what I'd been afraid to feel for the past 2 weeks: that I'm supposed to be involved in Impact.

Recap for the new readers: Impact is the Christian orientation camp at Texas A&M. It's mission is to serve the incoming freshman and bring them into the body of Christ in their new college community. There are 3 sessions (alpha, delta, and omega) and 9 camps named after the tribes of Israel (Asher, Benji, Judah, Gad, Zebulin, Reuben, Issachar, Naphtali, and Simeon). Each camp is in each session, so, for example, I was in Delta Asher last year. Within each camp was a structure of leadership. There are cochairs--which are a guy and a girl and they are in charge of the camp (run logistics, plan events, general leaders). Then there is the prayer team--again, another guy/girl combo and they're sole job is to pray and serve everyone involved in that camp and in Impact as a whole. Lastly, there are the counselors. 7 guys and 7 girls who are the ones who will be directly building relationships with the freshman. Retreat is in August and the whole spring semester before is bonding with your camp and getting ready to meet these new college kids and love them with the love of Christ.

So it's a pretty sweet deal.

Applying to be a repeat counselor was never something I doubted I would do. It was always just an obvious thing that I would. One of my roommates applied and got cochair and one of my other roommates applied and got prayer team. And the two weeks between me applying and me finding out were some of the most stressful weeks ever. Particularly the 48 hours between my roommates knowing and me knowing. Let's just suffice to say that I shed a lot of stress tears. A lot. Unfortunately, I didn't stick with what I knew and let myself be swayed by my over analytical mind. And all the over analyzing suggested that no, I would not be an Impact counselor again this year.

So my email this morning was a pleasant surprise. Truthfully, I'm learning a lot about the Lord's faithfulness. And how--after having the verse memorized for the past 5 years--I'm still forgetting the message behind Jeremiah 29:11. Would I have been devastated if Impact was a no-go? No, I don't believe so. The thing I was most stressed about was the not knowing. It could've gone either way and I would've been peaceful about the situation. But it was the fact that everyone in my apartment knew something that affected me directly and I didn't. The frustration was palpable. But Jesus tells us in Matthew that we aren't to worry about tomorrow, because it has it's own worries. After 21 years, you would think I would know that lesson now too.

Will it be pretty sad to have a new group message with 17 new people and to not rock the light blue (probably) all semester? Yeah. Definitely. Delta Asher was the best. But I'm pretty stoked to come together in a close friendship with 17 new people where our only bond will be the Gospel of Christ...and a new favorite color.

To my new cochairs: Everyone keeps talking about how awesome you are. And even though I meet you on Wednesday, know that I'm doing some investigating. I will discover this secret.

God is big. I'm not.

2 Corinthians 12:9.

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