A&M is known for being a loud and proud university (even when we didn't necessarily have the bragging rights to be so). Since the rise of a nationally-best offense on the football field and a bigger freshman class than ever before, our right to brag has, well, been justified to an extent.
But this is not a post to talk about how great A&M is (even though I totally could because duh).
This is also not one of those stupid open letters that crop up every 4.7 hours on Facebook.
This is a reminder to the 51,000+ students at this university to stay classy.
In 1876, Texas A&M University was founded as an all-male agriculture and mechanical university where every student was a member of the military-oriented Corps of Cadets. It was based on honor, integrity, service, respect. Through the development of a football team, organized student yells, and an undeniable spirit that can ne'er be told, we began to hold such qualities with very high esteem.
Somewhere along the line, we've managed to lose sight of some of those.
Old Army Ags will look at us, shake their heads, and grumble about this "New Army".
I think it needs to be said that "New Army" in this context is not a positive thing.
New Army is the loss of traditions that Old Ags hold near and dear. Not hissing an Aggie. Not booing during football games. Being respectful to classmates and fans repping a different color shirt. Not dropping the f-bomb after every missed tackle or showing up to the game high as a kite. Not giving dirty looks to people who encroach on your standing space. Not doing a paper, finishing homework, or studying for a test.
Not taking the "respect" aspect of the six core values of A&M seriously.
Aggies, hold onto the traditions we were built on.
This is not about how we've totally and completely fallen away from who we are as a university and a body of students. I have seen how we still make our founders proud. Chivalry is still thriving here in Aggieland. The way we treat fans from other teams is a testament to the fact that we are the Aggies, the Aggies are we. Kyle Field has been louder than I've ever heard it during some of these games. We've united for cold and rainy Silver Taps. We aren't afraid to smile at a stranger if we make eye contact with them while walking to class.
A&M is, arguably, one of the friendliest campuses in the nation.
So why are we having a hard time reflecting those things when Johnny scrambles around outside the pocket or we get a bad grade on a test? Why is our first inclination to curse under our breath and boo at our quarterback?
I want to be able to proudly say that my university still considers the values it was founded on to be its guides even today. But how can I do that when the guys behind me at the game are calling my roommate an "effing retard" when she wobbled off the bleachers because we were all crammed in together?
Ags, think about why you chose to go to A&M. Yeah, you'll get a good education that will send you into the real world with a real chance of getting a job. But the traditions, the values, the honor, the feeling of slipping that gold Aggie bling onto your finger--doesn't any of that stand for something?
It does for me. I can only hope that it does for you too.
Thanks, and gig 'em.
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