By any means whatsoever. Being a leader is...hard. A lot to keep track off, a lot to make sure that everything is going according to plan, etc. I know that leadership isn't all flowers and rainbows, but sometimes you just feel underappreciated.
Of course, this story isn't extreme underapprectiation. It's more like, 4th grade girls are beyond oblivious.
One of my best friend's mom is in charge of the children's ministry at my church. So whenever Ms. Suzette needs help with something as pertaining to children, Paige and I are the first recruits. Not that I mind; I love kids.
This particular time, Ms. Suzette was hosting 20 4th and 5th grade girls at her house for a huge party. They were going to Cici's for dinner, then the local aquatic center, then Main Event for some bowling. A packed night. While we were at Main Event, I was bowling with my little team. I'd been giving high-fives and hugs by the minute, even if they only got one of the pins(or none) down. They still deserved some form of recognition for doing their best. It was then that I bowled a strike. When I turned around, I expected them to run up to me and congratulate me. In reality, they were talking about hair, not paying attention to me at all. So I just sort of laughed, humbled, and prepared to sit down, my strike unnoticed. But when I looked up, I saw the cute employee clapping for me. So I bowed and grinned, embarrassed.
Story of my life.
Hope this reminds you to not expect everything you think you might deserve, especially recognition. Sometimes, the best thing is for you to know that you did it and that's all that matters.
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