Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ode to the past great shows of Nicholodean (or however you spell it)

I feel as though this title is fairly self explanatory. Sorry for any horrible spelling mistakes I will make/have made already. I should be going to bed. BUT I'M NOT! Ha. I love the end of the school year. Anyway...
1. All That. Talk about hilarious. It had some of the greatest sketches EVER! Gotta love the Drake Bell, Amanda Bynes, Keenan, Kell, Josh Peck and many others that made up that epic cast of epicness. So amusing. Though I must admit that All That was not one that I watched frequently, it is still far and away better than some of the junk that is currently on TV for the younguns. Have you watched kid TV lately? Gag in a bag on a hag.
2. The Amanda Show. Mer-her! Anyone remember that one? I feel like the girl Amanda Bynes portrayed in that sketch was named Courtney but I could be mistaken. Amanda Bynes might be the funniest person to ever hit TV. Except probably not, but she's still hilarious. Judge Trudy and the dancing lobsters ("Bring out the dancing lobsters!"). The random things that happened at the end of the show when she was signing off. It was just pure greatness, especially when Drake and Josh were on the show. Speaking of which...
3. Drake and Josh. Not gonna lie. They were my favorites. Fat, awkward Josh. Suave, flirty Drake. Their shenanigans. Their demonic sister Megan. Baab the sheep. The foreign movie Ick Glockma about the goat. The fact that Josh's boss at the theater loved Drake and couldn't stand Josh. Crazy Steve. The weird dude with the mullet who always had the weird jobs at the movie theater. Some of the situations they got into were so ridiculous that you just had to laugh. I remember it rained seriously all summer so my mom and sister watched episode after episode of Drake and Josh until my mom fell in love with the characters. Good times.
Anyway, that's my oldies recap. Love those older shows. The Amanda Show>Hannah Montana. Obviously. Hope you enjoyed this exceedingly random post. Have a nice day!

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