So, I have really strange dreams. I'm pretty sure God doesn't speak to me in them, and I'm really sure that my heart wasn't wishing this to actually happen. Here's the terrifying dream that I had last night.
The beginning for me (Tanner informed me that you never remember how your dream actually starts) was when I was in a caravan of cars. Some guy who I didn't know was taking me away from this place where I'd been held captive (don't know how that happened...) and now he and his large group of friends were rescuing me. Then, I blink and we're back at my high school, except it did not look like my high school at all. I only really recognized the freshman wing
I'm ushered into this arena that was made for barbarians. It was all busted up; the stands were broken, boulders were in the arena that looked like they had been thrown by a really angry giant. It kind of resembled the arena Harry was in while fighting the dragon in the 4th HP book, to give you a visual. Except the one I was in was less rocky. And with no dragons. Anyway, this HUGE (tall, not fat) and frightening woman with a pointy face (I normally don't remember faces, so this is a treat for y'all that I'm remembering're welcome) told me that I would pay dearly for my escape. There was no CHS staff in sight and I was kind of freaking out.
Then I somehow appeared in a place that looked like a Nazi concentration camp. It was barren and sad looking. The big woman pointed to a ledge that was about ten feet long, maybe six inches wide, and twenty feet up in the air. It was like a super tall balance beam. And there was a rod about five feet above that. Attached to the rod were twelve, brace yourselves, nooses. And attached to those were twelve of my friends. I had begged and pleaded the large woman to let me take their place, to take me back to where ever--anything to save them. But she wasn't budging. So I climbed the ladder and told all of them that I loved them before I was dragged away. My friend Kirstin tried to calm me down with a Black Currant Fanta (African drink) but I was still freaking out. The twelve were pushed off and all of them were (gulp) killed. Well, except one. Cody. He's been in my English class for the past three years and somehow he survived. He got out of his noose, hugged me, and left. But I was sobbing. Eleven of my friends had just died right before my eyes.
Then I was in my house. It was dark and cld and looked like it had been bombed. My mom told me that because of my actions, a school shooting was happening right now. Of course, that made me feel really great. Then my friend Sarah called me and asked me if everything was true and she couldn't bear to look at the notes (I had no idea what she was talking about). I confimed that I somehow caused twelve-plus people to die some horrible death.
And then my alarm went off. I had about three thoughts right when I woke up:
1. Mary Beth, Nicole, and Claire are dead?! Nooooooooooooo.
2. My face is wet.
3. Oh my gosh--this was a dream. PRAISE THE LORD.
I had cried in my sleep, apparently. And my relief upon waking up and realizing that I had dreamt that whole thing felt absolutely wonderful. So, I texted Mary Beth to ensure her liveliness. She texted back. Then I saw Nicole at school. And Claire was on Facebook. All of my friends (who I remember in the dream) were, in fact, alive.
Now, I don't normally dream about my friends dying and school shootings. I don't know where I got al that, but I assure you that I do not wish death on any of my friends. I love my friends. And am still a little shaken from my dream.
Last night was just straight up scary.
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