So, 86:12 is flying from DFW to La Guardia on June 18th. For a week long mission trip. In the Big Apple.
This is so epic. I listed out my last 6 mission trips in a previous blog post, but here's the progression of Linley's mission trips in case you haven't read that post.
1. El Paso, TX
2. Pueblo, CO
3. Memphis, TN
4. New Orleans, LA
5. McAllen, TX
6. Atlanta, GA
So, the class of 2010 is a little miffed that they graduated 86:12 before the epic trip of epicness. Bummer for them. But, obviously, a trip this can't be pulled together in a little under a year, like most 86:12 trips are. This is New York we're talking about.
Here are some crazy thoughts/logistics
1. Last year, we had 206 people going on the trip. 206 people flying from DFW to La Guardia? Oh my.
2. Yes. We're flying. Obviously, 86:12 will get there in shifts because there's no way all of us will get on the same plane--that's just ridiculous. And a bus drive from here to NY will take about a day. Yikes.
3. We're staying in Jersey, just across the river from Manhatten. We'll be able to see the skyline from our dorm rooms :)
4. No Vacation Bible School this year. We're going to be doing other outreach ministries. Though I don't know what as of yet.
5. It's going to be more expensive than other years, obviously. But we're getting a steal. It's only an $800 trip for a week in New York City. Danggggg.
6. Registration is in the fall this year, so anyone coming in the spring semester won't get to go on the trip, which is good. That means kids who normally slack on rehearsals HAVE to come fall semester or else no NY trip for them.
7. I've heard some whispers of cool events that are original to NY that we'll get to do, but we'll see...
8. Concerts in Central Park? OHMYGOSHHHHH
9. Who knows? We might actually see some (gasp) celebrities. Weird.
10. Could I get a better senior trip? Didn't think so. :)
So, I am A LITTLE excited to go hit the Big Apple this next year. God is going to use us to do some amazing things in His name and glorify Him. And get some crazy awesome memories while we're at it.
"I will praise you, oh LORD, my God. With all of my heart, I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86:12.
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