Today is the end of October 14th, 2010. Two days ago, Rick Riordan's The Lost Hero came out. Yes, I bought it the day of. Except my reading was a little delayed because I grabbed the old debit card so I had to go back home and get the new one and come back and get my book. Barnes and Noble is kind of out of the way but I will literally go through any lengths to get my hands on a book that I want. Except for maybe give away my first born child. Depends on the book, I guess.
Totally kidding.
Anyway, when I got home, I basically holed myself up in my room for the duration of the day. Well, I had to watch the Rangers game (that rant will come in a post probably tomorrow) and eat dinner. But I still got a solid 150 pages into the book. On Wednesday, I got about 3/4ths of the way. My mom got mad at me because I wouldn't talk to her and just wanted to read. Sorry for being literate, Mom! I'm so misunderstood. Ugh.
But today, I finished it. I'm rather proud of myself actually. I figured out so much! Yay for being an attentive reader! Hopefully I can apply those skills to Frankenstein.
This is going to be an extreme spoiler post. If you have an interest in the book(s) whatsoever, DO NOT READ. Holly and Alex, if you're reading this and haven't finished the book yet, leave now.
Here's a nice list of events of the book and my reaction to them:
1. Leo, son o' Hephaestus (the god of the forges), was witty, smart, cunning, and the comic relief. He was everything and more that I expected him to be. He's a human torch--both immune to fire and can create it from his very fingers. I thought that was pretty dang awesome.
2. Piper, daughter of...Aphrodite. GASP! She is sooooo not the glitzy girly type at all. She's strong and smart and sassy. A vital part of being part of an earth-saving quest. She had her great funnies too, like how she named the zit on her nose Bob. So amusing. Her big problem though? Her dad has been captured. And the only way she can get him back is by having Leo and Jason killed. She gets her dad back and the boys live, but they almost don't. Scary, scary stuff.
3. Jason. Hot, amazing, totally confused, Jason. He had no memory because it was stolen by a goddess. Things would come back to him though. Things that were true about the gods but he put them in a Roman perspective, calling the gods by their Roman names, as opposed to their Greek ones. Oh, and another thing about Jason? His sister, Thalia, is a MAJOR player in the first Olympians series. Except she is a daughter of Zeus. He is a daughter of Jupiter. No difference? Oh yes there is.
4. The gods have both Greek and Roman forms. Greek gods liked to meddle with humanity. They're more personal and more involved in their demigod's lives. Roman gods are all about discipline and strength. Basically, Thalia and Jason's mom was first swooned by Zeus and all his earthly involvement. And then again by Jupiter and all his formality. Jason and Thalia were seperated because they couldn't live together when their dads were the same but different. Supre confusing, I know. But apparently Greek and Roman demigods have a bloody past. And Jason and Thalia are going to be major players in bridging the gap.
5. Hera. Or Juno, her Roman name. She took Jason's memory. And plopped him in Camp Half-Blood--the Greek demigod camp. He knows he doesn't belong there. And Hera keeps appearing to him, telling him to save her. And he does. But she also sort of brings back the bane of Olympus on accident. Whoops. Well done, Queen of Olympus.
6. The big, inevitable danger? Giants. GIANT giants. Being released from the Underworld. Because of Mother Earth, Gaea. She has been "asleep" for eons and is stirring. In ancient mythology, after Kronos was defeated, there was another almost-collapse of Olympus. It was because Gaea, Earth essentially, was revolting against the gods. She created the giants, each with a job to destroy one of the gods. The only way the gods won was because demigod and god joined forces. Now, because Kronos has been destroyed, the part two of Operation: Destroy Olympus is going down.
7. So what about Jason? Why the memory swipe? Remember how I said there were Greek demigods and Roman demigods? Hera plucked Jason out of his Roman demigod camp and placed him at the Greek one to hopefully bring the two sets of demigods together. But it can't be a one-sided deal, right? Someone from our beloved Camp Half-Blood must go to the Roman one. Someone that I read about and practically watched grow up (in a fictional sort of way) had had their memory erased and was now in the Roman camp.
And that someone was Percy Jackson, the hero of Olympus in the last go-around.
Can I just boast and tell you that I called it? I SO called that exchange. Just like I called how it was Gaea who was the source of the problems. Just like I called how Thalia and Jason were siblings. So, I win. Except not really. But kind of.
Dear Angst,
I haven't missed you but make yourself at home. You'll be in the back of my mind until NEXT October, when the next book comes out. And I predict that it will be from the Roman camp's perspective, with Percy being your puzzle. Of course, I'll already know everything about him--but that just might make it more frustrating. But I can pretty much guarentee that it will center around Percy. So you can run and tell that, homeboy, homeboy, home, home, homeboy.
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