Hey guess what?! If you're reading this, it means that you're alive and surviving without the class of 2010. You've probably had a busy social life and know for sure where you're going to college, if you're going to be a Baby Ruth, and where the 2011 86:12 trip is going to be. So for the 8/6/10 Linley, those things are rather mind blowing. Here are a few things to keep in mind though.
1. Do try your very best to not judge/gossip. It's hard but you know that life is hard. So suck it up.
2. God has a plan.
3. Your core is cracked, splintered, broken, screwed-up, and is only holding together because Chris Jesus who lives, somehow, in you and all of your disaster.
4. Read Romans. Go.
5. Doubting God or anything about Him? Go outside.
6. There's hope. Always. God would NOT make a hopeless world.
7. If it takes hell coming in to make you cry out to God and realize that you desperately need a savior, bring it.
8. All sin is looked at in the same way, so don't think for a second that you are better than anyone.
9. You don't deserve grace, so don't take it for granted.
Um yes. Just look back at all of the journal entries and the Bible study book for anything else. And, you know, the Bible always works too.
You're living to glorify God. So act like it! Keep the faith.
I'm a fairly straight-forward person. Or so I like to think. Anyway, I'll just address everything on it's own and in ANOTHER list. Lists keep things organized, okay? That's why I like them so much. But this number one won't be the number one in the above "remember this!" list. I'll make sure to clarify what I'm addressing.
1. Yeah, I'm living without the class of 2010 being in the same town as me. Notice I said "living" and not "surviving". There's a significant difference. I still talk to all of my friends who just graduated and, amazingly, it almost doesn't feel like they've been gone. What a blessing. Yes, my social life has been great fun but not overwhelming. My life is pretty dang good.
2. Yes, I'm going to A&M. Something that the August 6th version of myself was only hoping for.
3. No, I'm not going to be a Baby Ruth. A Baby Ruth is an intern at Pine Cove and it's a five week program designed to help you become a more Godly woman, but it's so much more than that. However, I really haven't felt God pushing me that way. He's got something else for me, I just don't quite know what.
4. Mission trip 2011: NEW YORK CITAYYY
5. I really am trying to not judge. If I'm going to be honest, the not gossiping thing is much more difficult and I'm not so good at that. Not judging is getting better though.
6. God's plan is a powerful one and something that I'll never be understand. But I'm okay with that.
7. I'm so broken. He is the master healer. That's all I need to know.
8. I don't know what I instructed myself to read Romans. But I'm getting on that ASAP. A chapter a day keeps the devil away!
9. I haven't doubted God lately because I've been basking in Him too much. Who said too much of a good thing was bad? They should be knocked silly.
10. I AM hopeful. I am nothing if not hopeful.
11. Hello hurricane. You may be large, but I've got a God who is bigger. And at the first sign of danger, I'm going to cling to Him with everything I've got, despite the fact that you'll pull at me as hard as you can.
12. If I have learned anything, it's that I'm not better than anyone--ever. I sin, you sin, we sin. It's all sin. It's all dirty. It's only black or white, no grey.
13. As I said before, if His grace is an ocean, let me drown.
14. The faith is being kept.
End. Of. Story.
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