Monday, January 17, 2011

Unfinished business

I'm a senior. I'm looking forward to college and starting over and becoming a "real adult". I'm about to embark on a great adventure involving new friends, a new church, and a more mature faith. And that's all well and good, but can I be honest? I'm not ready to leave my church now. At Winter Weekend (my church's version of Disciple Now), I couldn't say all I wanted to say because I got too choked up.

Because I'm clearly incapable of speaking like a normal human being, I will write. So here's all my unfinished business about this weekend.

J-Tom, one of the leaders this weekend, had challenged the seniors to go up and say something to the rest of the group. I'm surprisingly good at talking in front of people, so I decided I would and God put expressing hope on my heart, so that was the plan.

If you were at Winter Weekend, you saw how I struggled when I went up to talk to the group. I really, really wanted to have a great little talk about having hope. Unfortunately, I had just had a weep-a-palooza with two of my little seventh grade buddies and was emotionally wrung out and weirdly hungry. Those put together made for one very shaky Linley.

I had sort of prepped earlier that day and had two verses and a smallish message I wanted to share with the group. Two seniors had already gone and I hopped up before I could lose my nerve. When I opened my mouth, my voice sounded like I'd been crying (which I had) and my hands were shaking so hard my Bible almost fell. I got out a few sentences and read the verses before I couldn't stay up there anymore without sobbing. But here's what I wanted to say:

Have hope. Life is hard--we all know that. Just because you're a Christian doesn't mean that God is going to make your life all happy and perfect and you'll be protected from everything. But know this. God loves you and He will be at your side. He will give you hope when you're in the darkest places of your life. Don't doubt that for a second. Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel (no, it's not the light of the train barreling towards you, either). Just press on. Ask for His help. He is your guardian. He is your light. He is your everlasting hope.

Romans 12:12 says, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." And then--this is my favorite--Matthew 28:20b (the very last sentence of Matthew) assures us of this: "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." I love that. So don't be afraid to be hopeful because you don't want to be let down. If you have hope in the right place (i.e. God), you will never be let down.

And then, my senior girls. Whether I've known you since we were little and dorky or whether I just met you this year (or anywhere in between), I genuinely love all of you. In one way or another, you've helped my faith grow. You've encouraged me to be myself and to dig into God. You've been my rocks and my friends. It freaks me out to think that in less than eight months, you won't be a major part of my life anymore. I won't see you at school or at church. Our last time all together will be in New York, and even then we'll be missing a few pieces. So really, Saturday night is going to go on my list of best nights ever. I'm going to miss all of you so much. And now, my unfinished prayer.

God, thank you. Thank you for these amazing girls who have impacted my life in some way, shape, or form. They have blessed me immeasurably. I hope You guide all of them in the way they need to go. I pray that they all have tolerable room mates. I pray that You push them to be successful. I hope that they find a church that fits them perfectly and are plugged into a vibrant college ministry where they can find their best friends. I hope these friends challenge their faith and push them to be more beautiful and strong women of faith than they already are. I pray that they don't get homesick too badly, or at all. I pray that they have the summer of their lives this year. Give them strength, guidance, love, and hope. God, I love these girls. I could pray for them for hours. Thank you, again. I love you. Amen.


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