I've learned that middle schoolers can teach you a lot more than you can teach them
I've learned that no matter how bad you are at football, there are always those who are worse than you are.
I've learned that I can't navigate to IHOP successfully.
I've learned that high school doesn't really matter in the great scheme of things.
I've learned that book angst is far less painful than boy angst but equally as powerful.
I've learned that John Mayer is extremely intelligent and his version of "Free Fallin'" is way better than the original.
I've learned that you can develop an addiction to soda in about 2 weeks.
I've learned that it only takes 20 minutes for something to touch your heart.
I've learned that you actually can be sore from laughing too hard.
I've learned that Nutella is highly addicting.
I've learned that I don't get excited about prom dresses.
I've learned to let go.
I've learned that I will never get my way 100%--I've got to compromise every time.
I've learned that everything will be okay.
I've learned that elephants are the most amazing animals on the earth.
I've learned that Coke a Cola tastes ten times as good after you've been without it for a month.
I've learned that you can make friends with strange people.
I've learned that embarrassing things are only embarrassing in the eye of the beholder.
I've learned that busy work is the absolute worst kind of work.
I've learned that less is more. Like Charmin Ultra.
I've learned that people can change.
I've learned that youtube has some amazing things on it.
I've learned that I can watch thinking movies and not be confused (like Inception).
I've learned that the goofier you are, the better life is.
I've learned the value of adventure.
I've learned that words can be far more powerful than actions.
I've learned how to forgive and forget.
I've learned that the book of Ephesians is brilliant--Go Paul!
I've learned to be hopeful.
I've learned that God will give you more than you can handle--why do you think He's always with us?
And I only learned 2 of these things of this in school. SO BOOM.
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