Ugh, okay, so I've been trying to write this post for the past ten minutes. Obviously, I've been relatively unsuccessful. I don't even know if I'll keep this try (so if you're reading it, it means I was semi-satisfied or just too tired to delete it).
There's this one line in Switchfoot's song "Enough to Let Me Go". It says "I've still got mountains to climb on my own, on my own." For some reason, it always gets me. I don't even pay attention to the rest of the song; I just rewind that one part over and over.
I'm one of those people who needs to have her alone time. I need to sit in my room and listen to music and write and dwell on my thoughts before I can be a functioning human being again. My room is my cave. College might be the death of me in that instance because I won't have any "Linley space".
So I really like that part of the song. It has a couple meanings...I think.
One is the "let me do this on my own" mentality. The thought that it's a personal thing and you really just need to do this all by yourself (even though we're never all by ourselves). But you know what I mean. It's just one of those things.
I also think it's a maturity thing. We grow up. Though we need and crave companionship, there are just those hard-hitting, soul-searching deals where you have to rig your own harness and get to the top with your will alone. You need to grow in yourself before you can help others grow. You need to deal with your problems, conquer your mountains, before you can start tackling someone else's.
Disclaimer: this is NOT to say that you can do this alone--God will always be there. He will always be walking right next to you and He's the only way you can climb the mountain. But I mean all of this in the sense that no mentor or friend or family member can give you a boost over the summit. This is your personal deal that you handle with God.
Scale walls. Hike cliffs. Climb mountains. But this is one time where I'm going to ask you to go before others. Mature. Grow up. I mean this in the best, sincerest way possible. You don't need to tell everyone everything. Sometimes, it's all on you.
Go forth and conquer.
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