I am a nineteen year old girl who enjoys a lot of little things in life. Little known artists, books, pro baseball and college football, narrating my life in my brain, mumbling to myself, forgetting things, being scared easily, taking too-long showers, forgetting to finish making my bed, watching old seasons of ER, and freaking out because the 3D flower on my shirt scares me sometimes are all parts of my life. I'm the kind of girl who lives for rainy days. I love lightning and thunder. I love yawning. My friend and I are constantly in battle to determine how girly I am (it's to the point where I get excited when I get girl points). I'm obsessed with middle schoolers. One of my students I teach taught me a turtle dance and so now I tell everyone about it. I need to read my Bible more. I sing too loudly too often. And I am a terrible singer. I've eaten ice cream every day this week. My new favorite drink at Sonic is a strawberry sprite. I'm obsessed with my church. If you asked me to name 10 Rangers, I could with almost no hesitation. I feel like I repeat myself a lot. I get easily distracted but have somehow never been diagnosed with ADD. My dad and I are the only ones in our family who don't have that condition. It annoys my mom how goofy my brother and I are together but we both know she'll miss it next year. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. Sometimes I can't take a joke. I'll cry when the last Harry Potter movie comes out. Fred dying just went too far, JK Rowling. Whenever I type in "Parachute" to my iTunes search bar, the song "Yellow" by Coldplay comes up because it was on the album titled "Parachute" but I'm just looking for the band. I'm so excited for college. I love weddings. I'm not ready to get married or anything, but I just really love weddings. Rhinestones are tacky. Sometimes, you can tell exactly what I'm thinking or feeling. Other times, I can hide it. I have a tendency to mask myself. Middle school was the worst time period in my life. My grandfather died on May 9th, 2009. I miss him dearly. My grandmother is one of the funniest people I know. When my dad informed me that TCU's baseball team beat the "little Aggies", I not-so-kindly reminded him which school he was about to start giving money to. Thanks, and gig 'em. Writing is the anecdote to life. I hate poetry. It's too cryptic. Blood and guts don't bother me, but bones freak me out. One of my favorite songs from Pine Cove is "Oh them lions they can eat my body but they can't (SLINKY!) swallow up my soul/they keep on trying to crash my party but they can't (SLINKY!) get control/no way baby/no way baby/no way baby." My ab work out comes from laughing. I will need serious motivation to work out at A&M. I hate math and it hates me. Getting a Mac was one of the best decisions of my life, right after becoming a Christian. "Hamilton" was my iPod password for a while. Yes, as in Josh Hamilton. Don't judge me. I love Twitter. It's so entertaining. I applied to a scholarship in January and was supposed to have heard back by February 26th. I still haven't heard back. This has no paragraph breaks. My last piano recital ever is in 15 days. I'm on page 96 and word 36,050 in The Ghost Kids. Wowzers.
There's still so much more stuff to write about, but it's 12:42 in the morning and, therefore, time for bed.
turtle dance?!