Oh man. What an epic night. Here's how it all went down...
I'll fast-forward through the boring stuff (hair, makeup, having my brother zip my dress because my mom couldn't...). Long story short, I found over 20 bobby pins and had fake hair because I don't have enough of my own. My makeup was an adventure, but it looked great when it was all said and done (thanks Mom!). And my dress likes to be temperamental so when my dad wasn't available, Tanner had the pleasure of zipping my dress up for me.
Then we all went to Landon's to meet up and exchange corsages and boutonnieres. My exchange with Anthony was fairly awkward (we almost forgot his boutonniere at home...yikes) but hilarious because it was so awkward. Then my mom had to pin it on for him because I didn't know how. And my dad said "Now, you're not going to slow dance with Linley are you?" To which Anthony had no clue how to respond. So I jumped in and said that he better dance with me.
After meeting up, we went to take pictures at a local park. Lots and lots of pictures. It was great fun but my heels kept sinking into the sand/dirt/whatever that stuff was. Yes, I tripped. I mean really. I'm in heels on uneven ground and am a generally clumsy person. It happened.
Then it was the adventure to dinner. A limo was super expensive, so we opted for just carpooling, which ended up being a blast and a better idea, seeing as someone left their ID at home...in Flower Mound. As for the restaurant...apparently, in Dallas, there are two restaurants named Perry's within a five minute radius of each other. Whoever the idiot was who planned that ought to be knocked silly. Anyways, after taking several side roads and crossed the highway twice, we ended up at the correct restaurant (thanks to the nice hostess at the first Perry's for directions!) with a room to ourselves. Then about twenty minutes later, the other two couples showed up and dinner was on! We had a blast and the food was delicious (if not very expensive). The bathrooms had built in TVs, so every once in awhile I'd run and check the score of the Rangers game. Call me obsessed.
After dinner, it was PROM TIME! After getting slightly lost from the restaurant to the dance (thanks for driving, Ben!!), we made it to the Dallas Trade Market. I saw my English teacher as I walked in, which was fairly awkward, and checked in. We then claimed a table, the girls took their shoes off, and hit the dance floor for the next 2 1/2 hours. Poor Ben was on crutches, but he entertained everyone by using them as guitars and microphones and the like. And his date, Lizzy, (who is pretty much the most awesome person ever) was really cool about it and it looked like they had a blast. Yes, Anthony and I danced. It was fun and a little awkward (as slow dancing with one of your best friends normally is) but I'm glad we danced. And that my dad didn't scare him too much from the conversation earlier.
At 12:30 superlatives were announced. I failed at succeeding. The fortune was wrong. So maybe some other high award is in my future, but I'm not putting any bets on that. The Korean star won, just like I'd predicted. Gotta love that gut intuition.
We left shortly thereafter. Ben's car was a tad cramped seeing as we had Anthony in the front and then Lizzy, Lizzy's brother, and me all in the back. What an adventure. He dropped Anthony and I off at Landon's (who had left earlier) and he went to go take Lizzy home. After changing and taking the 20+ bobby pins out of my hair, along with the fake hair, we decided that we needed to go to Wal-Mart to get a $5 movie. Ben met us there and we got some janky movie called "Joy Ride". It was a thriller about some trucker who goes nuts when these guys pull a prank on him. I hated every minute of it. After the movie, Ben played the guitar and everyone slowly but surely fell asleep all around the living room.
But here's what we discovered in the morning...
1. Anthony snores. Very loudly. I woke him up this morning by a gentle slap on the face. And, of course, he was right next to me all night.
2. I move around a lot when I sleep. No one notices I move until after I've moved though, apparently.
3. Ben and Anthony told me I talked in my sleep and at first I believed them. Then Ben said that I said "Ben is SO hot" and I stopped believing them. Nice.
4. My hair does not stay curly. When I woke up, it was as straight as it normally was. But I still had a bunch of hairspray in it.
5. Apparently, Anthony flipped out when he saw that his arm was right above my head sometime in the night because he thought if my dad saw that, Anthony was a goner.
6. According to Ben, I'm a sleep diva. He reports that when he got up to go to the bathroom, I spread out and got in both of our spaces. When he nudged me, I curled back up. But really! I have a queen bed that I sleep in every night--how can I not be a sleep diva?
Anyways, we ate breakfast the next morning and then packed up to go. When I got home, I promptly uploaded all pictures to Facebook and crashed for the next 7 hours. A blissful, snoring-less sleep. Thank you very much.
All-in-all, an amazing prom. I'd give it an 8 out of 10. What a great night.
Next stop...GRADUATION.
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