Alright, so there's been a bunch of hubbub about May 21st (as in, Saturday) being Judgement Day/Rapture. You know, when Jesus calls all those who truly believe Him to be the Son of God to heaven.
Before I say anything else, let us direct our attention to Matthew.
The first book of the New Testament tells us TWICE that we can't possibly know the day that Christ is coming back.
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 24:36.
Catch that? Not only will be angels--the very beings who serve God--be taken by surprise, but Jesus doesn't even know when He'll be sent down. I imagine the scene like this: God looks to Jesus and says to very simple words: "It's time." Very dramatic and intense and Jesus knows exactly what to do. That would be TV worthy. Anyways.
Then, there's... "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come." Matthew 28:42
"Keep watch" does not mean "make a bunch of calculations from the book of Daniel" like what the guy who is predicting all of this did. In case he hasn't noticed, God cannot be calculated. And just the whole last part of the verse. We don't know. We can't predict. I can't guarantee that the rapture is going to go down on Saturday, but it seems highly unlikely. God does what He wants to do. He runs on no schedule, timeline, calculator, or prediction. He is wrapped in mystery. You can't possibly know when Christ comes back. The Bible reminds us of that twice.
Now, the people who really believe that they're peacing out on Saturday are saying "Noah knew! Why shouldn't we?!" Noah as in the dude who built an ark and rounded up all the animals of the world and floated for forty days. Noah as in the guy who literally had direct conversation with God. Noah who heard God physically speak to him. Honestly, for this guy to relate himself to Noah is kind of insulting. Noah was a true man of the Lord. Plus, the world was a lot smaller then. Now, I'm not saying that God can't come to people now and tell them, but if Jesus doesn't even know until right before it's happening, then why should man? It's not logical.
But here are a few things that are supposed to happen pre-rapture:
1. Anti-Christ. Aren't Christians supposed to know who he is by now? If Judgement Day is so imminent?
2. The sun is supposed to be darkened. And no, I don't think cloud coverage counts.
3. Stars are supposed to fall from the sky. Haven't heard of any meteor showers yet. How about you?
4. The moon will turn red. I mean, it was orange the other night but I somehow doubt that counts either.
Basically, what I'm saying is that the rapture could happen on Saturday, just like it could happen in five minutes or in fifty years. We don't know. We should be living every day like it is our last day and like Christ is about to pull us up to heaven.
That same passage in Matthew also tells us to not stumble into the words of false prophets.
So that's just my two cents. Go read Matthew 24 and learn. Know your beliefs.
I am...
Listening to: "Forget You" by Cee Lo Green
Looking forward to: May 22nd
Procrastinating: Shower
Thinking about: How context is very important
Wondering: Who these Judgement Day predictors think they are
Reflecting over: The words of my Savior
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