Nervous. Did I get this scholarship that I really want? Will I be able to survive these last few weeks of school? Will I get all weepy? Will I stay in contact with all my friends? Will I trip at graduation?
Excited. Parachute just released their album to just listen to on this one website and it comes out in a week. I only have 17 more days of high school. I'm not going to read a required reading book for the first time ever and I'm excited to break the rules.
Frustrated. My students are talking too much and it's frustrating me. Parachute's album was supposed to come out in March. I still have to suffer through 17 more days of school. I'm dead center in the alphabet, so I'll have momentary excitement halfway through graduation and then be bored again.
Sad. I'm about to leave everything I've ever known. I just listened to a really sad song.
More excited. I'm about to start a whole new chapter in my life. I'm a part of the fightin' Aggie class of 2015. My duties of being errand girl are almost over.
I am...
Listening to: The sounds of my students talking when they aren't supposed to be
Looking forward to: Getting to listen to Parachute's whole album
Procrastinating: Telling my students to stop talking
Thinking about: That really sad song
Wondering: How it is possible that a song can make me cry so easily
Reflecting over: Uhh...that song. "Forever and Always" by Parachute
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