Sunday, July 10, 2011

Girl points.

I've been in this battle on-and-off all year with one of my friends about how girly I am. He insists that the only girly thing about me is that I like boys and I dress like a girl. My interests, apparently, are way out in left field though.

So I'm going to let you decide, reader. How girly am I?

My argument:

I am an embarrassed Nicholas Sparks movie fan. The books aren't really my taste, but I enjoy the movies.

I like pink. Sue me.

Ice cream and M&Ms are my ultimate comforts after a rough day; not a good workout at the gym.

I hate running.

I drive a little red car that has a simple cross hanging from the mirror.

I like getting all dressed up.

I like shopping.

I can talk to a rock.

I shower daily and have my own little routine.

I like boys and announce my desire to marry frequently. However, this announcement is not normally made about the same boy.

His argument:

I wanted a truck. Like an old F150 or something classy.

One of the things I'm most excited about for college is football season.

I know a lot about the Texas Rangers. More than the average female.

Nike shorts and t-shirts are my favorite things to wear. Not dresses. Not skirts. Not even a nice blouse. Shorts and t-shirts.

I saw all the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and James Bond movies before I saw The Notebook. Granted, The Notebook is recent, but the 3 aforementioned series were higher on my priority list.

Blood and guts do not bother me at all.

I don't mind sweating and getting dirty.

I have a bad habit of burping.

I am very protective of my sports teams.

I don't like strictly romance books. I want the book to have some romance, but I don't want it to be the focus.

The only romance movies I watch are romantic comedies. Otherwise, bring on the Transformers.

I'm not a real romantic. I don't know how to describe it other than I don't want my future husband to be constantly showering me with intense compliments and lavish gifts. I want to be real and I want to joke around. I'm not high-maintenence in that way. My idea for the perfect first date would be dinner and then a movie at home. None of this nice dinner business with the ritzy restaurants.

So you decide. How girly am I?

And I can't decide if this is rhetorical or not.

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