Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So I have this condition and I don't really know what it's called (I know it has a name). But, basically, I don't have the use of my thyroid.

What's a thyroid, you ask? Good question. Basically, it's this little gland in your neck, right under your Adam's Apple and it does a few fairly important things. As a baby, it helps to develop your brain. But as you grow, it does things like control your weight by using energy, distribute hormones, and gage hormone reaction. It works closely with your pituitary gland, which is at the base of your brain. I have a perfectly functional thyroid and a perfectly functional pituitary gland. But there's a small problem: the message from my pituitary gland to make my thyroid work gets all messed up.

It's called the TSH, or the thyroid stimulating hormone. The hormone that informs my thyroid that it's time to start producing is mutated, making it so that it doesn't work at all. The message is lost because it was never fully formed. As a result, my thyroid never hears what it's supposed to do from the pituitary gland. Something goes wrong. The only reason my thyroid doesn't work is because the hormone never gets there.

Now, I wouldn't be telling you about my mutated hormone if I didn't think it was important/interesting. What I find cool about this is that my family is one of five recorded families in the world who has this condition. My sister and I are the only ones in North America. The others are in Brazil, Belgium, and Germany. It's easy to deal with--I just take a pill every morning that acts as the hormone--but it's just so weird/awesome that I have this unbelievably rare problem.

Obviously, I'm normal (don't make jokes, smart alecks). I have a normal height, weight, and brain abilities. I was given hormones fast enough so that the lack of the natural hormone as a baby didn't affect me, thank goodness. If I hadn't had care within a certain time frame, I would've had mental disabilities.

So that's my medical quirk, a form of hypothyroidism.

I am...

Listening to: "What I Know" by Parachute
Pumped for: the Rangers game tomorrow!
Thinking about: the great night I had with my friends and at Bible study
Reflecting over: judging and how to stop
Happy because: I get to babysit my awesome cousins tomorrow

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