Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I'm a complete disaster (but slowly figuring it out)

The fact that...

1. My arms were sore after using 5lb weights last week in my strength training class

2. My legs felt like they had been product of Gilderoy Lockhart's bone "mending" spell after today's work out--which included squats with a 10lb weight and, like, 30 leg presses (with no weights)

3. I've never been more than 5 minutes late to my 8ams

4. I read somewhere around 300 pages today.

5. None of those pages were in my textbooks.

6. All of those pages were in John Green's tear-jerker of a novel "The Fault In Our Stars"

7. It's been one year since I did that thing in Goodwill (don't know what I'm talking about? Good.)

8. I'm on my way to being a staff writer for the nationally-acclaimed school newspaper

9. I jumped/fell off of a bench last weekend and have a bruise (that is now green and yellow) on my right leg the size of a baseball

...is all fairly remarkable.

Somehow, people still let me go out in public. I don't know why my roommates trust me in society, but they do. So there's that.

Well today, instead of reading what I should be reading for my English classes (for real though, everything Aristotle wrote is so far over my head that there really isn't even a point in trying, right?), I decided to heed the words of my roommate and read "The Fault In Our Stars". Coming from the girl who stayed bone-dry in showings of "Titanic" and "The Notebook", and reading "My Sister's Keeper", it's pretty impressive that this book could successfully elicit the ugly cry from me. Granted, I did bawl my guts out in the last episode of "Prison Break" and all throughout the final "Harry Potter" book.  

Moving past the sheer emotion of the novel, I'm pretty disappointed in myself that I owned the book for a full six months before cracking it open. For shame.

In other literary news, I am well on my way to becoming a regular staff member of A&M's school newspaper, The Battalion. I think my first article comes out tomorrow if I saw the board right. But who knows? Frankly, I'm just a little surprised that they're letting me, you know, do things. Considering the fact that I regularly trip over the same crack in the main plaza of campus, it's a little shocking that I have any responsibilities at all. Do they necessarily know that though? Nope.

It's been a rough week for me in the sports world--A&M fell to Alabama (by a single touch down, so I'm not too torn up) on Saturday. And the Rangers just broke a 7-game losing streak today. They fell to 6.5 behind the Oakland A's for first place in the American League West. The Cowboys lost by a point--which is so classic Cowboys that I've long since stopped being a fan. The one shining ray of light is that t.u. has lost by at least 20 points the past two weeks, and A&M could kick their burnt orange behinds like you wouldn't believe.

Also, I'm pretty sure I'm lactose intolerant. But who knows? I'm just avoiding large amounts of dairy until I can go home and ask the doctor what's up. So long, cereal and ice cream.

My public speaking class is still completely terrifying, but I'm not quite as awful as I thought I was at talking about irrelevant things in front of people. Who knew?

Otherwise, junior year is promising to be chaotic, amazing, beautiful, and not without love.

Welcome to my blessed hot mess.

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