Sunday, November 8, 2015

Things I've Learned While Wedding Planning

Guys, here's the deal: I really enjoy nailing down the details of things. It's satisfying. It gives me a sense of purpose. It makes me feel like I've conquered something.

But wedding planning is, like, the king of details. And it's overwhelming. So here are some things I've learned since September 18.

1. You can, indeed, have extensive discussions with someone over the type and color of linens at your tables for the reception. Like thirty minute long discussions. That mostly include me going, "Mmhmm... yep... sounds great Mom...yeah, I think ivory is great. Yeah... let's do that." It's in moments like these when I'm thankful she has an eye for the artistic details. And is decisive.

2. Sometimes your mom goes to a cake tasting, tells you all about the quality of the almond flavor, and then texts you three hours later, "I'm in a sugar coma." Thanks for taking one for the team, Karen.

3. Yes, yes, it's true. "Say Yes To The Dress" hasn't been making it up. "The Feeling of The One" is a real thing when dress shopping. Tears and pictures and feeling like a total princess are all things that happen. Be aware. And bring tissues.

4. Bridesmaid dresses are complicated, and it is somehow impossible to find the right color. After many hours on Nordstrom and David's Bridal's websites, my office vote is: I don't care. You do you, bridesmaids (probably not going to happen but a girl can dream).

5. My best friend is because checklists and reviews and suggestions oh my.

6. Why is it acceptable for boys to just call up their guys and be like, "Hey, will you be a groomsmen?" and girls have to do these cute and creative things? Pinterest, I cannot live up to your standards. I do what I want.

7. Speaking of Pinterest, it's a hotbed of wedding comparison. In the long run, it really doesn't matter if you had candle holders or mason jars. Calm down, all you vintage country chic weddings, everything will look beautiful.

8. Has anyone ever defined what exactly a "wedding vision" is? What in the world does that even mean?

9. Wedding websites and wedding hashtags are things that now seem super normal, but can we just pause for a second and think about these terms? If we went back in time to 2005 and threw those terms around, can you imagine the weird looks we would get? I'm guilty too, of course. I've been planning my wedding hashtag since, like, March. But it's still such a weird concept #tyingthestringers

10. Amid the chaos of finding color schemes and vendors and planning, I've had to check myself with two things:

The first is that no one will remember the chair covers or the first dance song, but they will remember how they felt. Were they welcomed? Did the bride and groom come talk to them? Was the cake good? (Cake is important, y'all). Were they loved? This is a party for my people. Without them, Hayden and I would not be where we are. Let's celebrate.

And two: I will be a bride for one day. From 6:30-11:30 on May 20, 2016, I will be a bride. But after that, for the rest of my days, I will be a wife. That is a much higher calling, demands significantly more of me than that one day. Will I pursue the Gospel in such a way that I honor and love him? Will our marriage be a testament to the love we have been given from Christ? Those are the crucial things to remember, not the minutia of that one day when we became one. May 20 will be a big, important day. But it is only the first step in a life we will share.

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