Saturday, October 23, 2010

So take me out to the ballgame...

Can I just say one thing before I launch into the meat of the post?

I've been a Rangers fan since I was probably seven years old. I remember going to that ballpark as a dorky little kid. And this season and last year's season, I followed them almost relentlessly. No, I'm not a bandwagon fan. No, I didn't get sucked up into the excitement just to have something exciting in my life. I have loved, do love, and will always love the Rangers. Just thought I'd clear that up for ya. Now here's my rant re WORLD SERIES 2010.


Ohhhhhhh my goodness. And not only are the Rangers going, but I got to see the game that sent them to the World Series. Yes, all you other fans (real fans, not bandwagon ones), I was there. At the Ballpark in Arlington. Here's a list of what made the game the most epic game in all of Ranger history to date:

1. It was raining. Now, I know that doesn't SOUND like a bunch of fun, but talk about an experience! I'm sitting next to my brother and mom in my Josh Hamilton t-shirt, jeans, and Pine Cove hat and the rain is coming down. So. Epic.
2. There were these extremely drunk guys. I can't lie--I have a weird obsession with watching drunk people because of the endless entertainment they provide. One of them walked past me several times and always had to hold onto my shoulder so he wouldn't fall. Once he stepped on my foot and apologized multiple times. Another time he just patted my arm. Awkward. The best though, was when he just stood up and started going, "Beeeeeeeeeeeer, beeeeeeeer, BEER, BEER, BEER!" Tanner and I just kind of looked at each other and laughed. Drunk people make events that much better due to their hilariousness.
3. Pine Cove was represented! I took a picture with PC staffers and am now in the running to possibly win a free Winterfest! Exciting. And I saw one of my old counselors and hugged her. Good times.
4. The only homer was scored by your boy Nelly Cruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuz.
5. The yanks messed up AGAIN and walked Josh Hamilton. Then big bad Vlad gets up and knocks the ball way into the outfield. Josh Hamilton and I think Nelly score. The yanks had a bad habit of intentionally walking people and then getting into trouble because of it. Nicely done, Joe Girardi. Way to plan.
6. Words do not express how happy I was when Alex Rodriguez (who I call A-Roid) was booed mercilessly whenever his name was called. He is basically hated in Texas. When my mom asked, I told her that I'd rather kiss Vlad Guerrero than A-Roid. That's saying something. The best thing ever though? Top of the ninth. 2 outs. A-Roid is up to bat. The Rangers' kid closer, Neftali Feliz, is pitching. The count is 1 ball and 2 strikes. The potential last pitch is thrown. Roid swings...and misses. Still playing with kids, A-Roid? Muahahaha.
7. DOG PILE ON THE MOUND. Of course, Benjie gets there first, basically attacking Feliz, and then the whole Rangers team jumps on everyone. Craziest thing ever. The stands are going NUTS. I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. Fireworks are going off. Confetti is everywhere. It was deafening. I'm almost crying. My real boys of fall were going to the World Series for the first time ever.
8. Josh Hamilton won the American League MVP. When he was interviewed, the first thing out of his mouth was "I want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." Naturally, almost the whole stadium went crazy again. I was nearing tears again. He talked about how tight the team was. And, for those of you who don't know Hamilton's amazing story, here's a quick recap: he was majorly into drugs and alcohol. Then he was kicked out of the MLB. Then he got cleaned up and accepted Christ. Now he's the American League MVP. So the Rangers, to honor Hamilton's recovery, shook up bottles of Mountain Dew instead of alcohol and sprayed it everywhere. How cool is that team?

So, it was the best game of my life. Ever. I'll remember it FOREVER. Epic beyond words.

Word to Cliff Lee:
Please, please, PLEASE do not go to New York. Do not play for the Yankees. The Rangers can (and, if they do what's smart, will) pay for you. You're closer to your family based in Arkansas than you've ever been. I'm sure you heard, but the Yankees' cheating Nick Swisher had a very explictive-filled statement about you. You really want to play with that? Honestly? Yeah, the Yankees are good. But they're also hated by just about everyone who isn't a Yankees fan. That's a lot of people. And think about your fans. Think about Texas. It's taken you to a World Series. Think about how much of a unit your team is. The Rangers have it all. They have speed, hitters, catchers, and they need to keep their solid weapon: you. So, Cliff Lee, after this season, you'll need to make a choice. Imagine if money weren't an issue. Would you rather stick with the Rangers (close to home, a great team, coherent unit, etc) or play for the Yankees (nasty, cheating, hated, etc)? The age of the Yankees is ending. It's time for a new champion. A Texas-sized champion.

So, baseball fans, here are my last few thoughts of the night: keep your claws up, your antlers on, prepare for the World Series, and GO RANGERS.

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