Friday, June 11, 2010

Big 12 is no more?!?!

Say it isn't so! I'm seriously depressed about this, even though it hasn't technically happened yet. I feel like it is now inevitable. DANG IT! The Big 12 is possibly one of my favorite things about Texas! And's just plum upsetting. And, strangely enough, causing me to worry. I mean, I plan to go to A&M. One of the reasons for wanting to go there was because of the massive rivalries that go down in the Big 12. Rivalries that are being threatened by Nebraska! Nebraska as in the corn college. Gah! Anyway, this will just be a blog of extreme angst and some majoring bashing of UT. You've been warned...
Ever notice how easy UT has it? Their hardest games consist of OU and sometimes Tech (who probably won't be that good this year anyway due to their new coach). Now UT wants to head into the Pack 10? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? The Pack 10 has all the lame Midwest colleges who don't have anything on the powerhouses of Alabama, Florida, and even Arkansas at times. Frankly, I just think UT wants to be at the top, which is understandable. But am I going to be more impressed when they slam an Oregon team or the Red Tide of Alabama? Just a thought. And I'm glad UT will be able to say "Yeah, we're the best in the Pack 10." Like, good for them. But I think UT proved their abilities (or lack thereof...) in the title game last year. Okay, okay, Colt was hurt, yeah, yeah. But I still honestly don't think that UT would've pulled out the victory. They just barely beat Nebraska (who is the source of all this angst!) to be in the title game. I don't think the "great University of Texas" (imagine immense sarcasm in the quoted statement) deserved it!!!! Just my personal opinion on the matter, of course.
Here are the two motives for this catastrophe of college football: money and power. This would give Nebraska more recruits because they'd be out of the Big 12 and all it's Texas bigness. Thus getting more money. As for power...the big schools want only 64 college teams fighting for that coveted title game. Make their chances better. HOW IS THIS FAIR FOR THE LITTLE BUT STILL AMAZING SCHOOLS?!
For example, TCU. I know I'm biased because my dad is Mr. TCU but it's a beyond valid point. It's no secret that the big schools were mad that baby school TCU was in a huge bowl game. Nor is it a secret that TCU could've kicked half the Big 12's butts. Any football analyst could tell you that. Heck, I just love the sport and I can tell you that. So guess who would be excluded in that core 64? The fighing Frogs of TCU, that's who. They would be demoted into a 2D team, playing teams that are half their size and ability, not even getting a challenge. Their football program would fade. Recruits? Ha, funny joke. TCU would be begging football players to come. This year they had the top offensive, defensive, and special teams players of the year. And yet they're being kicked out of the football league of greatness because they're not in the anarchy that is the Big 12? Um, excuse me while I go punch someone in the face. Preferably someone in the UT football program. Just because I really despise UT.
On another note, I'd like nothing more than for A&M to head into the SEC. Their football program and recruits would sky rocket. The SEC is big-time. But I'd want a lot of the Big 12 schools to come into the SEC too. UT, Baylor, OSU, Texas Tech, OU. The A&M/UT rivalry dates back nearly a century and that's being threatened because of Nebraska, who wants money? Have we no respect for any sort of tradition any more? Maybe that's just the farmer in me talking but I think I make a pretty solid point.
I don't want to get to A&M and sing "Saw Arkansas' snouts off" instead of "Saw Varsity's horns off".
See my point?

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