Sunday, January 29, 2012

A letter from God

Dear you,

Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Child, I love you no matter what, but you have got to realize who you are. It's breaking my heart to see you like this. Look at me and understand. Read this and know with your heart who I Am.

Child, you are so, so precious to me. You are so beautiful. I created you and I don't make anything that's even the slightest bit flawed. I make no mistakes. None. Zero. So why do you believe that you have things wrong with you? Why do you question yourself so constantly? Why do you wish for change? Little one, you were made in my likeness. To question your own beauty is to question mine. You're my workmanship, my masterpiece. I am so proud of you.

Beloved, I know you struggle with never feeling like you are enough for anything. You think that you aren't good, pretty, smart enough. And you're right...if we were discussing you from before you came to me. Now is a different story. Now I have filled you and am such a part of your life that you can't live without me. And child, now you are enough because I am enough. You do everything by my strength because, without me, you have none. You say your favorite verse is Philippians 4:13, right? Then live it. Show it. Let me be your entirety. Give into me.

Creation, you are in me and I am in you. You're safe in the storm with me. You can do anything with me. You are everything with me and you are everything to me. I love you in ways that you will never understand because my love for you is too great. Everything I have done, I have done so you would see me and grow close to me and be with me.

Sweet one, I love you. If the world turns against you, well, you're in good company. And if the world turns against you, you will still be mine.

Love eternally,


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