Thursday, June 2, 2011

BEM Day 29: Sports of the DFW variety

So, I live in the DFW area. We have the Rangers, the Cowboys, the Mavericks, and the Stars. All of them have had their ups and downs. All of these teams have played in the national championship (though not all of them have won...) but that's still a pretty great accomplishment. How many other cities in America can say they've sent all four of their major teams onto the national championship? It's a pretty cool situation.

So the Cowboys. The glory days were back in the '90s. Troy Aikman, Emmett Smith, all those guys. They were the beautiful players of the blue and silver. The Dallas Cowboys were the team to beat. Unfortunately, I was but a wee child when the Cowboys were a force to be reckoned with and will rejoice in the day that they are good again. Like, legitimately good. Not Jerry Jones good. And somehow I feel like my boys in the blue won't ever be good while under the rule of Jerry.

So the Stars. I remember a long time ago in the early 2000s (or was it the late 1990s?) the Stars won the Stanley Cup. I was at my grandparents' house in Wichita Falls when my dad told me and I was thrilled. I'd been to one Stars game in my life at that point (my one and only thus far) and I used to know who some of the players were. Now, I couldn't tell you one player on that team. I do, however, know that hockey is not Dallas's strong suit right now.

So the Rangers. Last year they broke franchise records...and lots of them. Baseball has surpassed football (on a pro level...not so sure about college yet) as my favorite sport. If you've ever read my blog before, you know about my intense and unfailing love for my Rangers. If I could hang out with any celebrity, it would be a Ranger (not Taylor Lautner or Ryan Reynolds...though both of them make me swoon). Give me Josh Hamilton or Elvis Andrus first, and, if they aren't available, I might settle for one of the aforementioned movie stars. Maybe. I'm seeing the World Series in their future again though. And very soon. CLAWS AND ANTLERS!

So the Mavericks. I'll freely admit it: I'm a bandwagon fan. Basketball, once my favorite sport, has become a haven for punks and inked up sweaty bodies. I'm just not a fan of how dirty it is and how overly rough. It's worse than football in that sense. There just isn't a lot of accountability or sportsmanship in basketball players anymore. But it is really exciting for my home team to be in the finals, even if I'm not a basketball fan. I've been following them as they've gone through the playoffs and have been excited in their victories and bummed out in their losses. But I just like them, not love them. While I could list off ten Rangers players (or more), I could only give you about four Mavericks. I finished watching baseball tonight before I switched the channel to basketball. I'm excited for those Mavs, but, let's face it, basketball just isn't my thing. So, go Mavs!



See the difference?

I am...

Listening to: "Break It Out" by The Rocket Summer
Procrastinating: Repainting my fingernails and taking a shower
Thinking about: How I like acoustic music more than rock
Wondering: If I'm going to trip at graduation
Reflecting over: The past four years

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