Sunday, May 16, 2010

No small thing?

We've all heard the John Mayer song. "I wanna run through the halls of the high school, I wanna scream at the top of my lungs". Yeah, that one. Pretty awesome song. I know that I want to run through the main hall of CHS, screaming something along the lines of "YAHOOOOOOOO!" Not because I don't like the school, but because that chapter of my life has closed. Time to write a new one.
But let's think about the rest of the words of the song and the author of it himself. There's no such thing as the real world, eh? Beg to differ. The real world is everywhere; in high school and out of it. Surely, Mr. Mayer, you would know this. I mean, of course are teacher's are always like, "You'll need to know this in the 'real world'". And they're right in sense. What is high school; fake world? Seems pretty real to me. I mean, it is the vault that sends you to college, to the rest of your life? What about that isn't real? Mildly confusing. And, honestly, I see nothing bad about the "good boys and girls who take the so-called right track". Some people just have unconventional methods of being happy and, dare I say it, successful. Though we all know you can be happy without success. And vise versa.
And, another thing, though John Mayer has the voice of an angel, I will NOT be the first in line to buy any book on advice he makes. He has mastered the fine art of being a jerk; almost down to a science at this point. Poor Jennifer Aniston. My respect level for him has bottomed out. And yet, that will not stop me from trying to get tickets to his next concert.
So, a vicious cycle. John Mayer's lyrics as well as his actions are questionable. Ha, of course, don't take from this that I'm a Mayer-hater. I, much like many others, disagree with some of his actions.
Hope you don't hate me because of my minor bashing of John Mayer.

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