Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 23: Favorite movie? Nahh, favorite book

So I have two things to say before we kick off this post: Sorry for being really bad about blogging lately--life decided to attack me and it was a hectic few weeks for no real reason other than my teachers went nuts. And secondly, this post was supposed to be about my favorite movie, but I've already talked about my favorite movies, so another post would be redundant.

Now day 23 is about my favorite book. And trust me, it is a challenge in itself to pick one book.

I guess I can be cliche and say "The Bible!" but we all know that it's my favorite non-fiction book. Yes, all you non-Christians, NON-fiction. Aka, real. Not made up. True. Just thought I'd clear the air.

My favorite fiction book of all time goes to the Percy Jackson series. Okay, okay, so it's a series and not technically just one book. But I don't need your sass.

I have ranted and raved about my intense love for Percy Jackson many a-time on this blog, but those books are just too good to not be talked about. Laugh-out-loud hilarious, edge-of-your-seat intensity, page-turning mystery, burning-the-midnight-oil suspense. Like the hyphens? Anyway, the book combines Greek mythology with the modern world in a totally not-lame-or-boring way. With witty comebacks, frustratingly awesome cliffhangers, and a master plan like nothing else, Rick Riordan does an exceptional job with his first young adult series.

Also as I mentioned before, his new spinoff series is equally as amazing, the first one debuting this past October (The Lost Hero). Unfortunately, I have to wait another seven months for the next one (The Son of Neptune) to come out. If you've never picked up a copy of any of Riordan's books (just make sure it isn't in the middle of a series), I would highly recommend it.

Peace, love, Greek mythology.

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