Thursday, January 20, 2011

30 Days of Blog (Day 1: 15 random facts and a picture)

Hi. I feel like all of you readers know me fairly well, but I'm trying to blog every day for the next 30 days, so some of this stuff will be repeat material. But I'll try my dang best for it not to be. No promises, though. Anyway, I will now provide you with some picture and 15 random pieces of information about me, myself, and I.


1. I used to be the most anti-Mac person in the world. Then my Dell crashed and I lost a lot of stuff. Now I'm obsessed with my Mac and have named it Alfred.

2. I'm strangely obsessed with middle schoolers because I find them 1. hilarious and 2. educational (on so many levels)

3. The drama show ER is my obsession. I mean, there's a reason it ran for 15 seasons.

4. When I thought about the concept of leaving my church that I've grown up in, I started crying. In the shower. Good times.

5. The only folder on my desktop is titled "Writing Goodies". Because, clearly, my mind works like a five-year-old's.

6. I'm obsessed with Twitter. It fascinates me.

7. If I could wear shorts and t-shirts for the rest of my life, I would be one of the happiest people alive.

8. I find Kelly Clarkson EXTREMELY irritating.

9. There is a fair chance that I am the clumsiest person ever. Hang out with me for a day and this fact will be proven.

10. I fall in love with characters. Fictional characters. In books. I have a whole list of male characters that I would happily marry should they be real.

11. Every time I see anything related to Miley Cyrus, I laugh. Five years ago, she was all, "Yeah, I'll be the good, Christian girl everyone from home knows me as!" Now what's she doing? SMOKIN' SOME JANK FROM A BONG.

12. I could die happy if I got to ha
ng out with the Rangers for a day.

13. I've never been superstitious about Friday the 13th because sometimes my birthday is on Friday the 13th. Who wants to think about avoiding black cats when you're worrying about not getting enough cake?

14. I have officially decided that 19 is the single most awkward age. Not the "Wow, you're an adult now!" newness of 18 but not the "Dang, you really are an adult now..." awe-factor of 20.

15. Nutella is my new favorite part of life. Try it with pretzels. Nom, nom, nom, nom.

The picture is of me (the piggy-backer) and one of my favorite people, Meredith. Thanks for reading!

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