Friday, May 13, 2011

BEM Day 11: Technology angst. A list.

So yesterday, blogspot was down so I couldn't post. It was a major bummer because I couldn't do BEM, but I feel like an exception could be made because it wasn't my fault. I was going to rant about how I'm over senior year, but now I have something else to talk about.

Technology. You literally can't go without it. You're using it to read this blog. Unfortunately, technological devices and I have a troubled past. Here's how...

1. Viruses attacked my Dell. It was like the bubonic plague, AIDS, and the Spanish influenza all decided to join forces on my computer.

2. I still don't know how to use everything on my Mac and I've had it for almost 6 months.

3. I needed help signing into school computers until I was in 5th grade

4. Any publishing program other than Microsoft is a mystery to me.

5. I hate making movies because I don't know how to edit anything.

6. Uploading pictures still fascinates me

7. I had issues working my mom's Nook. Hence why I don't have one.

8. I have no idea how to make the playstation play movies.

9. I struggle with regular DVD players

10. For a long time, I was happy with just my ghetto iPod mini while Tanner always had the latest Apple whatever.

Are you surprised that I ended my list on an even normal? I'm impressed with myself. Anyways.

I am...

Listening to: "Daisy" by Switchfoot
Looking forward to: My graduation party on Sunday
Procrastinating: Getting in the shower (next post will explain why)
Thinking about: Sleeping
Wondering: If Josh Hamilton will be back by May 23rd...
Reflecting over: "Daisy". It was kind of my life for over half of junior year.

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