Saturday, May 14, 2011

BEM Day 13: Pre-party madness

So my house has kind of become a jungle of food, serving dishes, and pictures lately. My huge graduation party is tomorrow (130+ people were invited) and my mom has been going nuts with all the preparations. We've used and reused so many dishes in the past 24 hours and have expired a few sponges cleaning off the dishes so that they can be put back in action. It's ridiculous. My mom has been a rockstar though and has done almost everything. Basically, I've been errand girl and dish washer. But all the cooking and aesthetics go to my mom and aunt.

The house is going to look great. Flowers and pictures and delicious food will be everywhere. I'm so excited for it. The backyard looks fantastic (thanks to my dad and brother) and the day promises to be sunny with a high of 72. Perfect mingling weather.

The only downside is that I'm still the color of my salmon colored shorts and this probably won't change anytime soon. Bummer.

Otherwise, this is going to be a great party. And, call me crazy, I kind of want someone to be pushed in the pool. How great of a story would that be? I mean, as long as I'm not the one taking an unlikely swim.


I am...

Listening to: "Beloved" by Tenth Avenue North
Looking forward to: My partay
Procrastinating: The terrible thing called the shower. My legs still burn!!!
Thinking about: How sunscreen is my friend
Reflecting over: The words of this song. Check it out, all you ladies. And dudes who want to find a good lady

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