Monday, May 9, 2011

BEM Day 8: Things I'm grateful for

I feel like I've griped so much lately and just been a grumpy person. For that, I apologize. Life is seriously so crazy and sometimes it's just too easy to focus on the bad and the hectic. But today, I'm not going to. I have enough to complain about, I assure you (meaningless work in ready set teach, still more work in English, book to read, etc) but that's all I'm going to say about those particular issues. So here are my top 10 things that I'm most grateful for.

1. The fact that I am loved and cherished by Jesus Christ.

2. I have a family who would do just about anything for me.

3. My church community

4. All my amazing friends

5. Love.

6. Music

7. Laughter

8. Books. And people who write books

9. Teachers

10. Role models

Yeah, I just got sappy. Deal with it.

I am...

Listening to: "Colorful" by Rocco de Loca + The Burden
Looking forward to: Going home and watching Project Runway
Procrastinating: Doing a page-long summary about Ron Clark's rules
Thinking about: How I need to watch some more ER
Wondering: If I'll ever get an iPhone...
Reflecting over: Still kind of baffled that I'm almost done with my senior year

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